Monday, December 11, 2000

My name is Lynne. I live in a house in a lush garden full of fruit and flowers, birds and bees. I have three children who attend a Rudolf Steiner school. These are also known as Waldorf schools. I send them there because I am hoping to give them strong foundations. The philosophy behind Rudolf Steiner's education is Anthroposophy, which means 'human wisdom'. Steiner said that the Anthroposophy has its roots in the perceptions, and that the "branches, leaves, blossoms and fruits of Anthroposophy grow into all the fields of human life and action"

My children are Zachary, who's twelve years old, and then there are Georgia and Shannon, ten-year-old twin girls.They were born on a winter's night, ten weeks too early. Georgia had a brain haemmorhage (I can never spell this word!) when she was born, and although she was the healthier baby, she's now the one with long-term problems. She is severely dyspraxic - known as apraxia in the USA, and is a right-sided hemaplegic.

I am married to a photographer named Craig.

This is our life.